Self-Love Yoga Spa Day
2:00 PM14:00

Self-Love Yoga Spa Day

The profound ability to heal oneself

Sat Feb. 11th 2:00-5:00p at ME Fitness

w/Rae Minten & Carol Grimes

$50 (includes Essential Oil for self-massage)

It’s time… use self-love and natural healing techniques to make a positive change in the quality of your life. In this 3 hour workshop, you’ll explore the power of Therapeutic and Restorative Yoga, plus self-massage using dōTERRA Essential oils. This practice will help you relax, release emotions and refresh your mind, body and soul.

Just in time for Valentine’s Day… This is the ultimate self-care/yoga practice!!! 

Space is limited… Sign up on-line to make sure you secure your spot!

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Spring Equinox - Yoga Mala
10:00 AM10:00

Spring Equinox - Yoga Mala

Here Comes the Sun...
Celebrate the arrival of Spring
Yoga Mala on Sunday, March 22nd 

Ah, Spring!
This season brings increasing daylight, warming temperatures, and the rebirth of flora and fauna. Since very few things lift the spirit like a bit of extra of light, it seems like an appropriate time to celebrate. Join me in honoring the arrival of the first day of Spring with our beloved 108 A-series Sun Salutations at Edge Fitness on Sunday, March 22nd from 10:00a-12:00p. We will meet upstairs in the Loft.
Cross your fingers it's nice outside so we can literally connect with the Sun and take our practice outdoors!
$10 drop-in
Edge Performance Fitness 
1502 N. Ainsworth, Pdx, 97217
(503) 265-8685 

The spirit of the Yoga "Mala" is to encourage people to participate in a collective ritual of the Sun Salutations through the power of a moving meditation. A luxurious Savasana and the Gayatri Mantra conclude the experience as you bathe in the radiance and empowerment of the Mala.

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Yoga with a Partner
1:00 PM13:00

Yoga with a Partner

Practice of Connection & Collaboration

Yoga with a Partner... where both people come together to create each pose.

The Sanskrit word "yoga" is often translated as union or to join together, and embodies a compelling energy of connection. A "partner" is thought to be someone that is united or associated with another in an activity or sphere of common interest.

In this workshop you'll experience the benefits of forming a union on the mat. Natural skills such as trust, communication and cooperation are deepened and enhanced. It is an ideal way to share time with a sibling, friend, neighbor or a significant other.

One experienced practitioner and one new-comer to yoga? Perfect!
Both experienced practitioners? Excellent! Both new to yoga? Ideal!

The key is to let each person's strengths and flexibilities generate completely unique poses.    

Bring a partner and a willingness to laugh and play!
Saturday - February 14, 2015 - 1:00-3:00p
$25 - per pair



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New Year's Eve Inversion Celebration!
7:00 PM19:00

New Year's Eve Inversion Celebration!

It is that time again...

the time to greet the New Year...

from a new perspective…

Upside Down!

This will be our 8th year of celebrating New Year's Eve with an Inversion Yoga Practice. Inversions are “any asana that places the head below the heart”. They revitalize, rejuvenate and refresh your entire system, even if your feet remain firmly connected to the floor. In addition, inverted positions increase your capacity for growth and transformation by allowing you to see the world from a different perspective.

This workshop will include: bringing awareness to the power of breath, maintaining the integrity of your neck, strengthening of the abdominal muscles, energizing and awakening the legs, honoring concerns and fears when upside down.                       

Afterwards, treat yourself to light, healthy refreshments at the studio.
What better way to start anew?
Wednesday - December 31, 2014 7:00 - 9:00p

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Restorative Yoga Day
1:00 PM13:00

Restorative Yoga Day

For many people, this is the time right before the start of the holiday season.

With all the joy the holidays can bring, it is just as often a time of increased stress and depletion. Restorative yoga is an ideal antidote.

This workshop will explain:

  • What is Restorative Yoga
  • Why is this style of yoga essential & benefical
  • Introduces classic restorative poses that you can do at home so you feel freshed & renewed

This practice is an effective way to encourage your body and mind to come back to a place of health, ease and balance.

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Yoga... Immune Boosting Workshop
1:00 PM13:00

Yoga... Immune Boosting Workshop

Around the time of Halloween, temperatures begin to fall, it's wet, it's dark and combined with the holiday sugar rush, viruses and bacteria that usually reside quietly within us begin to rally into action and prepare for their attack!

This practice offers effective ways to fight infection, strengthen your body, reduce stress and re-boot your system so you can come back to a place of health naturally. 

We will: look at the 3 doshas to better understand seasonal imbalances, practice asana (poses) and pranayama (breath work), plus introduce simple and easy kriya (cleansing practices).

Light refreshments to follow the workshop. 

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10:00 AM10:00

Fall Equinox - Yoga Mala

Celebrate the arrival of Fall on Sunday, September 21st  

Soon our neighborhood landscape will display the vibrant colors of red, yellow, and orange. Temperatures will slowly drop as nights begin to lengthen; this is an ideal time to soak up the last bit of the Sun’s light as Fall arrives.

Join me for our beloved 108 A-series Sun Salutations at Edge Fitness on Sunday morning at 10:00a. We will meet upstairs in the Loft at Edge Performance Fitness.
Cross your fingers it's nice outside so we can literally connect with the Sun and take our practice outdoors!
$10 drop-in

The spirit of the Yoga "Mala" is to encourage people to participate in a collective ritual of Surya Namaskar A, from Krisnamacharya's sequence of the Sun Salutations. Anchored upon the sacred and auspicious number of 108, this offering is to unite our yoga community through the power of a moving meditation. 

A luxurious Savasana and the Gayatri Mantra conclude the experience as you bathe in the radiance and empowerment of the Sun, Community and the Mala. 

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Spring Equinox - Yoga Mala
10:00 PM22:00

Spring Equinox - Yoga Mala

Celebrate the arrival of Spring on Saturday, March 15th 

Ah, Spring!
This season brings increasing daylight, warming temperatures, and the rebirth of flora and fauna. Since very few things lift the spirit like a bit of extra of light, it seems like an appropriate time to celebrate.

Join me for our beloved 108 A-series Sun Salutations at Edge Fitness on Saturday, March 15th at 10:00a. We will meet upstairs in the Loft at Edge Performance Fitness
Cross your fingers it's nice outside so we can literally connect with the Sun and take our practice outdoors!
$10 drop-in

The spirit of the Yoga "Mala" is to encourage people to participate in a collective ritual of Surya Namaskar A, from Krisnamacharya's sequence of the Sun Salutations. Anchored upon the sacred and auspicious number of 108, this offering is to unite the Portland yoga community through the power of a moving meditation. 

A luxurious Savasana and the Gayatri Mantra conclude the experience as you bathe in the radiance and empowerment of your community and the Mala. 

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The Chakra Series - Explore the Energy Within!
to Aug 16

The Chakra Series - Explore the Energy Within!

Movement is the essence of life... from your first breath, each muscular contraction, and every thought. What drives all movements are unseen centers of energy within - The Chakras.

Chakras are the key to physical health, emotional stability and mental clarity. Beginning in March and looking forward to August, explore the energy within through The Chakra Series. Each month we'll look at a Chakra (energy center) it's meaning, location, purpose, color and balance. Learn more about the shapes you take on the mat and how they affect the essence of your nature and life. 

Each workshop is $20, $75 for 4 of 6, $100 all 6 

Saturday 1:00 - 3:00p

1st Chakra - Your Feet... Your Foundation - March 15, 2014

In the 1st of the 6 part series you will take a closer look at the anatomy and function of the feet, the muscles of the legs along with a variety of strengthen standing pose… literally the foundation of you and your asana practice. 

2nd Chakra - Harmony in the Hips - April 19, 2014

In the 2nd of the 6 part series you will examine the anatomy of the pelvis, hip flexors vs. hip rotators and how mobilizing the hips also involves releasing their partners, the shoulders. Lateral movement and seated postures will connect you to the center of creativity, fluidity and duality. 

3rd Chakra - Core Strengths - May 17, 2014

In the 3rd of the 6 part series you will connect to the “power of the core” by looking at the anatomy of the abdominals, the low back as well as the pelvic floor. Finding your center is the place that offers true stability so be ready to play with a few balancing poses.

4th Chakra - Extension of the Heart - June 14, 2014

The 4th of the 6 part series creates space to consider how the hands are an extension of the heart. You will look at the anatomy of the hands, arms and shoulder while practicing a few mudra (asana for the hands) before expanding, opening and extending your heart.

5th & 6th Chakras - Expression and Clarity - July 19, 2014

With the 5th in the 6 part series you will combine two of the headier (literally) practices of mantra and meditation. Ideally, you will develop an appreciation for the delicate yet robust muscles of the neck as well as the glands centered behind the 3rd eye. Be curious and ready to explore!

7th Chakra - Bliss... Yogic Sleep - August 16, 2014

Last but not least, the final offering of the 6 part series… Yoga Nidra a.k.a. “yogic sleep”. A journey through guided meditation, Yoga Nidra returns your body, senses, and mind to their natural function while awaken a seventh sense that only sees wholeness, tranquility, and well-being.

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Yoga with a Partner - Practice of Connection & Collaboration
2:00 PM14:00

Yoga with a Partner - Practice of Connection & Collaboration

Yoga with a Partner... where both people come together to create each pose.

The Sanskrit word "yoga" is often translated as union or to join together, and embodies a compelling energy of connection. A "partner" is thought to be someone that is united or associated with another in an activity or sphere of common interest.

In this workshop you'll experience the benefits of forming a union on the mat. Natural skills such as trust, communication and cooperation are deepened and enhanced. It is an ideal way to share time with a sibling, friend, neighbor or lover.

One experienced practitioner and one new-comer to yoga? Perfect!
Both experienced practitioners? Excellent! Both new to yoga? Ideal!

The key is to let each person's strengths and flexibilities generate unique poses.
Bring a partner and a willingness to laugh and play! $25 - per pair

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New Year's Eve Inversion Celebration
9:30 PM21:30

New Year's Eve Inversion Celebration

Celebrate Upside Down!
Inversions are “any asana that places the head below the heart”.
This New Year’s Eve join me & explore the beautiful benefits of Inversions!

They revitalize, rejuvenate and refresh your entire system, even if your feet remain firmly connected to the floor. In addition, inverted positions increase your capacity for growth and transformation by allowing you to see the world from a different perspective. 

Afterwards, treat yourself to light healthy refreshments in the Loft studio at Edge Fitness

What better way to start anew?
Tuesday - December 31, 2013 9:30p – Midnight

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Winter Solstice ~ Yoga Mala
4:30 PM16:30

Winter Solstice ~ Yoga Mala

$15 for the Solstice Mala.

Aligning with the season and the beginning of the Longest Night of the Year, the Yoga Mala will begin at 4:30pm with the setting of the Sun. The Mala is a moving meditation of 108 A-series Surya Namaskar. Surya Namaskar (pronounced SOOR-yah nah-mahs-KAHr) is one of the best-known sequences of Hatha yoga. In Sanskrit, surya means, “sun”, namas is “to adore” and namaskar is a “greeting”. Known in English as the Sun Salutation, Surya Namaskar celebrates the Sun by means of vitality and grace. The Mala can be practiced on varying levels of awareness, ranging from that of purely physical to complete sadhana, "spiritual practice". A luxurious Savasana and the Gayatri Mantra conclude the experience as you bathe in the radiance and beauty of the Mala. 

As I  guide you through the flow of the Mala, guest yogini/teacher Alison Wesley will be drumming and chanting the biij mantras (seed sounds). 

All levels welcome! Light refreshments will be shared as you bask  & enjoy your inner Sun.

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Black Friday Yoga
9:30 AM09:30

Black Friday Yoga

Soon there will be ads everywhere encouraging you to go shopping the day after Thanksgiving. Do you really need to buy things in order to achieve greater happiness? Probably not. If you can’t resist shopping, here 's  a holiday idea you may want to consider that will have a “low impact” on the environment plus it will make you and others feel good too. 

Enjoy a Black Friday Yoga practice at Edge Fitness.

With 60 minutes of asana, followed by a brief meditation on the root of the contentment; yoga will help melt away the stress of the past few days and balance your Holiday weekend. As a yogic shopper, the mantra is “less is more”!  

Free for Edge members, $15 drop-in for family & friends.

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First International Restorative Yoga Day
1:00 PM13:00

First International Restorative Yoga Day

This workshop is $20.

Attendance is limited, so reserve your spot now!

International Restorative Yoga Day™ is held on the third Saturday of November. For many people, it is right before the start of the holiday season. For all the joy the holidays bring, they can also be a time of increased stress. Restorative yoga is an ideal antidote to stress.

This workshop will explain: what is restorative yoga, why this style of yoga is so essential and beneficial, and introduce classic restorative poses that you can do at home so you feel refreshed and renewed. This practice is an effective way to encourage your body and mind to come back to a place of healing and balance.   

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